Sabtu, 30 April 2022

FX Rumble: een ultieme handels- en spelervaring mogelijk maken


Introductie van FX Rumble

FxRumble is een platform dat gamification accepteert om de betrokkenheid bij blockchain-technologie en andere financiële sectoren zoals forex trading en cryptocurrencies te vergroten om kernvaardigheden op te bouwen die van het grootste belang zijn in de handel. FxRumble is een platform dat als missie heeft om gamification toe te voegen aan de forex- en cryptocurrency-markt om zijn gebruikers op een leuke, boeiende en lonende manier te onderwijzen.

FxRumble heeft tot doel beginners of zijn gebruikers online games te laten spelen om de markt te leren kennen door gratis demo's te spelen voordat ze gaan staken. Bij FxRumble is het doel om een platform te creëren dat veelvoorkomende problemen oplost die handelaren tegenkomen. Dit wordt gedaan door een platform te creëren waar handelaren kunnen concurreren op basis van hun handelsvaardigheden. Dit platform heeft zijn eigen spelprincipes, waaronder:

  • Regels die de actie van spelers tijdens een spel begeleiden
  • Een feedbacksysteem voor resultaten
  • Vrijwillige deelname
  • Leuk en makkelijk
FxRumble heeft verder elementen als onderdeel van zijn kernwaarden, waaronder maar niet beperkt tot:

  • Incrementeel progressief systeem dat groeit als een extra stap in het gamen van een speler
  • Motivatiebadges, directe feedback, collectible verantwoordelijke, leaderboard en ranking.

Gamificatie van gaming

Gamification is ontstaan om gamers te verminderen en te betrekken bij competitie, beloningen en rangschikking om hen te motiveren om deel te nemen aan activiteiten. Blockchain is gegroeid sinds de start van bitcoin in 2008. Deze financiële sector werkt de laatste tijd hand in hand met technologie en andere toepassingen. FxRumble probeert gebruikers op te leiden door gamified onderwijs te introduceren, compleet met toernooien en competitie om de deelname van spelers te stimuleren om op een leuke en boeiende manier aan hun handelsvaardigheden te werken. FxRumble gamification-idee en de doelstellingen ervan omvatten;
  • Om spelers te helpen handelsstrategieën voor forex en cryptocurrency onder de knie te krijgen door middel van gamification
  • Om een sociaal kabinet te creëren waar handelaren elkaar kunnen ontmoeten en kunnen strijden om echt geld en andere prijzen.
  • Om financiële geletterdheid te geven

FxRumble Academy

De FxRumble-school is een platform waarmee gebruikers toegang hebben tot educatief materiaal van hoge kwaliteit, zoals video's, lessen, artikelen, tutorials en nieuws over de financiële markt.


Alvorens te investeren in handel, biedt FxRumble spelers een demo om forex- en cryptocurrency-handelsstrategieën te oefenen en te leren. Deze demo moedigt gebruikers aan om hun handelsvaardigheden te testen en de belangrijkste strategieën te leren zonder hun geld te riskeren. Nadat hij de demo onder de knie heeft en weet wat hij moet doen, kan een speler beginnen met investeren en het spel spelen met aandacht voor de spelregels. Er zijn feedbackmechanismen die ervoor zorgen dat de spelers hun akilsa beter kunnen bouwen en meer strategieën kunnen toepassen.

Een speler kan concurreren met andere spelers. Hierdoor kunt u hun handelsstrategieën en -technieken leren. Winnaars worden geselecteerd op basis van hun prestaties, niet op algoritme of AI. Spelers worden gerangschikt op basis van hun handelsvaardigheden. Hoe hoger de ranking, hoe groter uw kansen op het verdienen van hogere prijzen. FxRumble-competitietypen omvatten:

 Dit is een wedstrijd tegen een andere handelaar op het platform. De winnaar krijgt de volledige beloning.

Het clubtoernooi:
Dit is een eliminatietoernooi met minimaal 20 spelers. Spelers staan tegenover elkaar en verdienen een evenredig deel van de uiteindelijke positie.

Het Rumble-toernooi:
Dit is een maandelijks spel dat aan deelnemers wordt aangeboden tegen een kleine deelnameprijs
Het Rumble Satellite Tournament: hiermee kunnen gebruikers toernooien maken met hun eigen spelregels.

FxRumble-token (Rumble) met gebruiksscenario's en tokenomics

RUMBLE is het native token op de FxRumble dat wordt gebruikt voor universele transacties in het ecosysteem. Het gebruik ervan omvat; kopen en verkopen in online winkels, gebruiken om toernooikosten te betalen, diensten aan te schaffen of aannemers te betalen, en om toegang te krijgen tot kortingen en voordelen. RUMBLE is een BEP-20-tokens die is geslagen met een initiële totale voorraad van 100.000.000 Rumble-tokens die volledig zijn geïntegreerd in het FxRumble-systeem, vind hieronder een gedetailleerde tokenomics!

Ontmoet het team

Roadmap voor projectontwikkeling

4e kwartaal 2021

  • Conceptontwikkeling
  • Ontwikkelaars van bedrijfsmodellen
  • Teambuilding

Q1 2022

  • Gemeenschapsgebouw
  • MVP lancering
  • Voorverkoopcampagne
  • IK DOE
  • Uitwisselingsvermelding
  • Uitzetten lancerint
Q2 2022
  • Eindproduct lancering
  • Fx Rumble School lancering
  • Eerste internationale Fx Rumble-wedstrijd

Q3 2022
  • Start van het "Best of"-toernooi
  • Lancering Last Man Standing Toernooi
  • Professioneel dashboard starten
Q4 2022
  • Fx Rumble Crypto Exchange lancering
  • Fx Rumble 1's World Finals Eent

Tot slot

Financiële sectoren zoals forex en cryptocurrency hoeven niet ingewikkeld te zijn. Daarom is FxRumble er simpelweg op uit om het proces van kennisverwerving over deze instelling eenvoudig te maken met gamification. Fxrumble is een platform dat spelers over de hele wereld samenbrengt om nieuwe en betere strategieën te leren en te strijden in toernooien op het platform voor financiële winst. Fxrumble verbindt de wereld online met gaming en andere financiële instellingen door een AI-platform te creëren dat spelers entertaint en vaardigheden toevoegt bij het handelen via gamification. Volg de officiële links die ik hieronder beschikbaar heb gemaakt voor veel meer informatie over het idee en de oplossing van FX Rumble.


Gleam Link-verwijzing:

Username: warulor540

My Profile Bitcointalk:;u=2804131

Minggu, 24 April 2022

Dinero is a financial ecosystem with Ultra burn & Auto-liquidity protocol



Dinero is a financial ecosystem with Ultra burn & Auto-liquidity protocol, running on Binance Smart Chain. Dinero has several unique and creative features and was developed to provide users with high and stable income. Designed for long-term development.

Dinero is a financial ecosystem, ultra burn & auto liquidity protocol developed to generate high and stable income by staking that delivers effective and fixed APY, or just playing a fun P2E games and writing delightful topics.

Play-to- Earn

DINERO PLAY is a Play-to-Earn mini-games, available directly on our website. Users can earn $DINERO tokens to their wallets thanks to ads in the games. Just play it in your free time to receive some extra cash. As simple as that.

Products and Features
Dinero focuses on giving real value and benefits to its users. It also uses a set of mechanisms to support $DINEROs ever-increasing value and continuously rising price floor.

Hold & Stake DINERO for more Earn-Efficiency

Staking is of the products Dinero is offering to its users to help them increase their income.
In simple terms, staking is a way to earn rewards for locking your holdings into the staking pool. It’s a great way to generate passive income and take your investments to the next level!
DINERO offers you an APY of 382,274.28%.

Dinero has multiple staking pools: $DINERO/$DINERO, $BUSD/$DINERO, $BNB/$DINERO.
Launch dates:
Earn DINERO - directly after launch
Earn BNB - one week after launch
Earn BUSD - one week after launch
Even more pools will be available in the short future!

How does it work?

It's all about supply and demand. According to basic economics, when the supply decreases while the demand remains the same, the price tend to rise. Meaning, if there is fewer coins available for the sale than the value of individual token will increase. It is also one of the reasons why $DINERO has a definite amount of circulation supply.

Anti-whale feature guarantees that a big investor, aka a whale, can not manipulate $DINERO’s price and protects against pump and dump schemes.

Others information :
Website :
Twiter :
Telegram :
Facebook :
Medium :

Bitcointalk username: warulor540

Bitcointalk link:;u=2804131

Jumat, 22 April 2022

TaleteCode — The Highest & Best Paying Auto-Staking & Auto-Compounding Protocol


#safuuprotocol #eversafu #liberoFinancial #safuTitano #theweb3project #flyapy #wallstreetfinance #titano #wsfapp

hello everyone, have a good day, on this occasion I will share information about a project called TALETE CODE, TALETE CODE provides a decentralized financial asset which rewards users with a sustainable fixed compound interest model

The TALETE Auto-Staking Protocol and Auto-Reflection (ASPAR) is a financial protocol that makes staking easier, more efficient and awards $TALETE token holders the highest stable returns directly in the holder wallets.

TALETECODE team is a very experience groups! our managers work in the real finance and defi finance since 20 years ago The TALETE CODE uses a complex set of factors to support its price and the rebase rewards. It gives the token automatic staking and compounding features, with the highest Fixed APY in the market at 450158% for the first year TALETE CODE is a new brand landing on DeFi innovation that creates the finance freedom for his holders in just 1 year.

The TALETE CODE pays every TALETE Token holder each and every 10 minutes (144 times each day), making it the fastest auto-compounding protocol in crypto. THE TOKEN BURN “ THE FIRE PARTY ” 3% The highest automatic token burn system prevents circulating supply getting out of hand and becoming unsustainable.

The Exceptional Fatures For Holders :

Safe Staking — TALETE provide Autostaking right in your wallet. $TALETE token always stays in your wallet. All you need to do is buy, hold and automatically receive rewards in your wallet.

Low risk with our TALETE YOUR INSURANCE (TYI) — the highest percentage to protect our community. The 6% of all trading fees are stored in the TYI Fund, which helps to achieve a variety of outcomes, including most profitable, stability and long-term sustainability.

Fastest Auto-compounding — The TALETE Protocol pays every Token holder every 10 minutes and 144 times everyday, making it the fastest auto-compounding protocol in crypto.

Best APY — TALETE pays out at 450158% in the first 12 months, the highest percentage circulating. After the first 12 months the interest rate drops over a predefined Long-term Interest Cycle period.

What is APY?

APY stands for Annual Percentage Yield. This measures the real rate of return on your principal tokens amount by taking into account the effect of compounding interest. In the case of Talete code, your $TALETE tokens represent your principal, and the compound interest is added periodically on every Rebase event (Every 10 minutes).

Your new principal amount is your then current Mind token amount, plus your new rebase token amount. This total amount is what gets calculated for your next rebase rewards.

One interesting fact about APY is that your balance will grow not linearly but exponentially over time! Assuming a daily compound interest of 2.5%, if you start with a balance of 1 $TALETE on day 1, after a year, your balance will grow to about 4510.59 $TALETE.


LIQUIDITY — Trading fees goes to backing the liquidity of the BNB/TALETE pair on PancakeSwap ensuring an ever-increasing collateral value of $TALETE.

TALETE YOUR INSURANCE — Trading fees are stored in the TALETE YOUR INSURANCE Fund which helps sustain and back the staking rewards provided by the positive rebase.

TREASURY — Trading fees go directly to the treasury which supports the TYI and provides a marketing budget for TALETECODE and funds new product development.

BURN — 3,00 % of all $TALETE traded are burnt in our BIG BURN. The more that is traded, the more get put into the fire causing the fire pit to grow in size, larger and larger through self fulfilling auto-compounding which in return acts to reduce the circulating supply of $TALETE and keeping the TALETE CODE stable.

Automatic LP: 5% of trading fees return to liquidity, raising $TALETE collateral value.

TREASURY: 2% of purchases and sales go to the RFV’s treasury.

TALETE YOUR INSURANCE: 6% of trade fees go to the RFV/TYI wallet, which supports the positive rebase staking payouts.

BURN: 3% of trade fees go to a safe burn location.

Private Sale 1 BNB = 25 $TALETE

Pinksale 1 BNB = 18 $TALETE

Pancakeswap 1 BNB = 12 $TALETE


Private Sale : 1 BNB = 25 $TALETE

Pinksale : 1 BNB = 18 $TALETE

Pancakeswap : 1 BNB = 12 $TALETE



The Talete code interest is based on an algorithm that applies the mathematical principle of compound interest. This means that token holders will receive periodic accrual of the compound interest earned on the amount of new Rebase tokens acquired from staking Talete code. As a result, since Rebase tokens are generated from Talete code already staked, your TALETE tokens balance will increase at a faster rate than if it were a linear increase.

With all these facts in consideration and with the total commitment from the Talete team, in less than 12 months of launch, Talete code will begin to reward its token holders with daily interest earnings as well as weekly $TALETE claimings. Remember, your principal amount of $TALETE tokens will grow exponentially over time.

I think that’s enough for the discussion I have given, for more information you can visit the link I have provided below

Website :

Whitepaper :

Twitter :

Discord :

Telegram :

Medium :

Reddit :

Youtube :

Username: warulor540

My Profile Bitcointalk:;u=2804131

Selasa, 19 April 2022



OwlDAO is the top 1 iGaming solution provider for Web 3.0.

#CryptoCasino #P2E #Gamefi #OWL #owlgames #bestcasino

About OwlDAO

OwlDAO is a multi-chain DAO that aims to innovate traditional crypto casinos to integrate with the new DeFi world. Partnering with leading protocols, helping Crypto projects build their own casinos, and connecting them with more than 30 Certified Game Providers to offer more than 3000 games.

What is Binance Smart Chain?

OwlDAO is a decentralized financial payment network that rebuilds the traditional payment stack on the blockchain. It utilizes a basket of fiat-pegged stablecoins, algorithmically stabilized by its reserve currency OWL, to facilitate programmable payments and open financial infrastructure development. As of December 2020, the network has transacted an estimated $299 billion for over 2 million users.

OWL Casino Solution

Listing Service

List your token on!


  • List one designated project token: $500

Extra Charges

  • Add additional token:$500, can be negotiated depending on the performance of the first token.
  • Low Liquidity Charges, we will charge an additional low-liquidity fee of $500 if the main liquidity pair of the project token is less than $50k worth or has a token holder less than 500.

Integrated Casino Service

Own a Casino for your token within a few mins!

One Time Setup Fee: $1000

  • Customized Theme according to Client’s project brand asset
  • The supported game token list will only contain core tokens + owl token + one designated project token.


  • Remove ‘Provided by Owl Games’ on footer: $1000
  • Set Default Currency as Project token instead of OWL token: $500

Royal Affiliate Partners

We are eager to work with motivating, enthusiastic teams to launch new crypto casino site together. Fully customized. Starting from 30,000 euro fee, with rev/ share. Please write to for inquiry

OwlDAO Cost

Would like to know the latest OwlDAO price? Here is it as well as other useful data about this kind of cryptocurrency. At TheBitTimes.Com, we collect and provide any valuable content on it such as 1 OWL to USD so that you could make a favorable investment and have a positive result.

All Data You May Need about OwlDAO Perspectives and Cost

Due to TheBitTimes.Com, you will be aware of all the latest news. Firstly, everybody can get acquainted with OwlDAO price today — these data are renewed with a high speed as we appreciate your wish to have up-to-date information at hand. Secondly, you are able to look through the following important aspects: market cap shows the collective value of all sold coins, low/high value demonstrates the minimal and maximal value of 1 coin among other stock exchanges, and volume is the total value of transactions on stock in a day. Thus, you won’t have a question: ‘How much is a OwlDAO worth?’ All data are thoroughly analyzed and presented for your convenience!

If you keen on OwlDAO price chart, we offer it — just choose the period you need (from 1 day to maximum) and get a full analysis of its falls and growth during the appropriate period. To add to it, TheBitTimes.Com disposes of topical news about OwlDAO current rate and its possible changes, current OwlDAO value with future forecasts and growth perspectives. Thanks to us, you will be notified about the latest tendencies in the chosen cryptocurrency market!

Web 3.0 tokens, paid directly to your Web 3.0 wallets

  • metamask
  • wallet connect
  • phantom

Supporting DEFI Tokens

Top crypto projects are already partnering with OwlDAO



Username: warulor540

My Profile Bitcointalk:;u=2804131

#Proof of Authentication

Minggu, 17 April 2022


 Aeterna is a unique De-Fi ecosystem that offers multiple ways to generate wealth and navigate a confusing decentralized world.

What is Aeterna?

Aeterna is a unique defi ecosystem that offers multiple ways to generate wealth and navigate a confusing decentralized world.

Here's a quick overview of the basics of the project and a look at the progress we plan to build as our ecosystem grows

Aeterna platform starts with future progress, Aeterna aims to add other blockchain options to choose from to provide versatility in this platform. In addition, the team is driving extensive experimentation on our platform to bring out the best in our Aeterna. To find out more about this, visit our website to learn about the technicalities of this project in our whitepaper.

How Aeterna works: provides a more secure token structure with the Aeterna insurance fund. The Aeterna Insurance Fund holds 1.5% of all trading fees, which helps to maintain and support bet rewards by maintaining price stability and greatly reducing downside risk.

Automatic safe betting strategy:

Aeterna tokens are always stored in your wallet, so they are never given to third parties or centralized authorities. All you have to do is buy and hold as you will automatically receive the prize in your own wallet, eliminating the need for a complicated betting process. Through the automation of the entire procedure, all rewards from the staking pool are automatically transferred to your wallet

APY Height: pays 200,000% APY. The distribution of all prizes is followed by an automated process so that no user misses any payment.

Visi kami Aeterna

If we've seen what life was like before technology was as ubiquitous as it is today, we know how different times are.

New systems are being born every day, just like the decentralized financial systems that are popping up right before our eyes.

Now, as more and more people adopt cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology builds its infrastructure to support data query and retrieval, we see a new future on the horizon.

A future where passive

Safe and rewarding income generation, open markets and investments are available and easily accessible to everyone. A stress and worry free future when it comes to crypto trading. A safe place to buy, hold and earn, then watch your investment grow.

We see a thriving ecosystem as our own and an ecosystem that becomes a beacon for others to show how technology can be used to create a better future for all.

This is our vision and this will be our story.

About our approach

The need to motivate our shareholders is one of our top priorities.

That's why we upgraded our native token to incorporate a revolutionary positive compounding model. This model calculates compound interest instantly and adds it to your wallet balance every 20 minutes. Up to 3 times an hour, 72 times a day. Everything is automatic.

This equates to one of the highest APYs in the industry with over 200,000%.

What better reason to quit than that?

Earnings are calculated in a scenario where AESF maintains the rebase reward for 365 days.

Total Results

200,000% JPY

Initial Investment


After 1 Year

$2 Million


ecosystem roadmap

Our ecosystem launch plan is very simple and straightforward. Easily scalable and designed for explosive growth with each subsequent development expansion.


The decentralized application will be the gateway to all the features.


Community-focused initiatives such as lotteries, merchandising and secure exchange platforms build trust and drive growth.

launch pad

The Launchpad project will create opportunities for safe trading and long-term investment with great potential.

Alat De-Fi

Make trading easier and more user friendly. Features that can buy, sell and trade automatically, with additional ATH alerts

About the ecosystem

Aeternity Utility Hub

Dashboard and D'App for easy navigation

Safe coin aggregator

Secure dev repository


Launchpad IDO for

develop real use case projects

Launchpad memes for safe gambling aimed at small cap investors

Eternal Creation Hub

Frequently scheduled lotteries

Shops and Merchandising

Secure gateway and payment

Alat De-Fi Abadi

Comprehensive trading tools and boats

real time graph

Decentralized exchange and investor network

For more information:


Telegram Channel:



Telegram Prize:

Username: warulor540

My Profile Bitcointalk:;u=2804131